Posts by GreenStream Environmental
Asbestos Removal On The Sly
Normally, a company that is responsibly dealing with asbestos removal issues would be something to applaud. But, when the existence of that asbestos has been shrouded in secrecy, you can see where problems come into the picture.
Read MoreWorkSafeBC Takes The Lead In Asbestos Awareness
We seem to be hearing from WorkSafeBC regularly when it comes to asbestos awareness campaigns in the workplace. This time, the provincial organization is targeting homeowners who are planning on renovations or demolitions of older homes — and the advice is worth taking note of no matter where you live. The message: notify your contractor.…
Read MoreWet Summer, Wet Fall – Avoiding Mould
It’s been a wet summer, and it looks to be sliding right into a wet autumn here in Toronto and the GTA. That means potential flooding – and the potential for mould. Residents of older and public buildings in the city complain of leaks and black mould and it hits the news, but it can…
Read MoreBC Company Nets $18K Fine For Asbestos Violations
With Toronto and the GTA’s old stock of housing, you’d think there would be more stories about asbestos violations in our area in Southern Ontario. But, there’s yet another story of asbestos mishandling from BC making the media rounds. Asbestos violationsSpecifically, the list of charges included: One company was charged with two counts of failing…
Read MoreNaturally Occurring Asbestos – Should You Worry?
With recurring claims and ongoing litigation involving asbestos in powder, and asbestos in cosmetics, naturally, the first question that has to come to mind is, how does asbestos come to be found in those substances? The answer: naturally occurring asbestos. Naturally occurring asbestosAsbestos is itself a natural substance, and like most other minerals, it is…
Read MoreWhen Your Dream Home Is Infested With Toxic Mould
A family of four moved from a small town in the Niagara Peninsula west of the GTA to what they thought was their dream home in cottage country about a year ago. When the two small girls in the family became ill not long after moving in, the culprit was found, to their parents horror…
Read MoreAir Ducts, Asbestos, and the Air We Breathe
Air ducts and asbestos may not seem like they are related elements of a home or building construction. With the hot housing market in Toronto and the GTA, many older homes are going on the market unrenovated, in an as-is condition. It’s also more attractive to many homeowners to renovate than buy. That means you…
Read MoreAsbestos Removal – A Growing Industry
Asbestos removal and remediation are a growing industry across the globe. One survey, using data from all over the world, found that asbestos removal was growing at an average rate of about 24 percent overall. Asbestos Bans—And Asbestos Awareness Canada joined with more than 50 other countries in introducing a complete ban on asbestos. Colombia…
Read MoreDoes Your Home Or Workplace Contain Asbestos?
Asbestos exposure and the illnesses associated with it – including deadly mesothelioma – are the biggest cause of workplace deaths in Canada today. But, how do you know if that danger is present in your home or place of work? Here’s a handy checklist of some of the main issues that should prompt you to…
Read MoreHome Renovations: Don’t Forget The Asbestos Risk
Almost half of all Canadian homeowners plan on spending some money on home renovations. When you add in the hot GTA real estate scene, which has seen many fixer uppers flood the markets as desperate buyers compete for homes at seemingly any price, and you’ve got the current reno boom. The Asbestos Risk Resistant to…
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